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Frequently Asked Questions

Doesn't Policy Governance® only work for larger, more sophisticated 'policy' boards, not small 'working' boards?

All boards are responsible for 'governing' their organization and many have chosen, out of organizational need or comfort, to assume operational jobs as well. But just because a board is doing operational work, it cannot delegate or ignore its governance responsibilities… which are separate and distinct from operational ones.

Policy Governance® is a system for enabling ALL boards, regardless of the size, level of sophistication or whether it has 5,000 staff or none at all, to accomplish its 'governance' job.

Some of the added benefits of practicing this systematic approach to governance are the knowledge and understanding that board members gain of the fundamental differences between operational and governance work. This clarity of job responsibilities alone gives new life to staff and volunteer work, meeting agendas, priority setting, and goes a long way to eliminating sources of conflict.

To discuss all the benefits Policy Governance® can bring to your organization, please give Susan Rogers a call at (204) 475-2488 or e-mail her at


Why can't a board use just the parts of Policy Governance® that suit them? Isn't there an 'adapted' version?

Policy Governance® is a system based on 10 principles that enables boards to achieve governance excellence. While the policies are customized to suit the organization, they are housed in one 'operating system' which is designed with interlocking pieces and principles that depend on one another.

Just like other team endeavours, a sports team for example, governance requires a set of integrated rules that determine and define the playing field, the equipment, who plays what position, the roles of the fans and owners, what constitutes 'winning', what it takes to score points or get penalties, and how to play the game.

Imagine what would happen if you switched to some 'baseball' rules in the middle of the hockey game or allowed the fans to strap on their skates to help out 'whenever'. The rules in the Policy Governance® system are comprehensive, integrated and built on a set of values and principles. The parts mesh together like the workings of a Swiss watch; if you take a piece out you cannot expect it to keep perfect time.

Policy Governance® requires specific skills and an investment of time to learn and practice them, but like any elite athletic team, the board that makes the investment reaps enormous returns!

To discuss how Policy Governance® can enable your organization to govern well, please give Susan Rogers a call at (204) 475-2488 or e-mail her at

ROGERS Leadership Consulting


Phone: (204) 475-2488

101 - 478 River Avenue, Suite #717
Winnipeg, MB Canada R3L 0B3

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